Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Intellectual property theft and illicit trade distorts the systematic way that our world works. Counterfeiting operations affect many different places and people in indirect ways. Knock offs can provide money to criminal syndicates through the networks that are created to move goods into and out of countries. The authorities are also well aware that if these illegitimate trade routes can move “non-dangerous” products without being detected, they are fully capable of moving human organs, guns, drugs, and possibly even more dangerous weaponry such as biological or nuclear components. Illicit trade also involves bribery on a mass scale which gradually corrupts entire countries of individuals into criminal lifestyles. People are neglected and used to sell and buy these synthetic materials which are often composed of harmful substances that can permanently damage your health or even kill you. The fact that the hundreds of people who died in Panama can be directly linked to counterfeit commerce in specific cities should say how dangerous this problem can really be. Those deaths were caused by the sale and dispersion of cheap, generic medication that is constantly being manufactured in the underground crime world. If there are people out there capable of sleeping at night when these deaths can be linked back to their actions, I’m sure their conscience won’t stop them from chasing after that few extra billion they could make in advanced weaponry. Not to mention, the opportunities that arise for mugging and identity theft of tourists and foreigners who plan on purchasing these items in bulk for their own monetary gain. It is obvious that these intelligent criminals are using the ignorance and desperation of others to meet their goals and it is sickening to see these operations flip justice systems on their head while completely ignoring the existence of moral law.

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